Sunday, June 8, 2008

Week 3

It's been a little more than 2 weeks and since my back surgery on May 20th

During the second, post surgery, week of healing, I've experienced another slow, yet consistent, improvement in my general feeling and condition.  As expected, I still have some tightness in the area of the lower back due to the stitches made in the muscles, but the good and quite amazing news is that I have no sciatica pain!!!, from which I was suffering during the 3 months leading to the surgery.  Suddenly, sneezing, putting on my shoes, sitting in the car, watching a movie, standing up, taking a shit, etc... are normal actions again.   

I met Dr. Peoples this Monday, (2 weeks post surgery follow up) and he seemed happy with the results, and with the speed in which I have been improving and returning back to normal.  He wants me rest and let my back heal for about 6 weeks, before I start doing "real" rehab.  But since I'm an athlete/performer he is open towards starting to train a little at the LeReve training room, focusing on exercises that do not put any stress on my back, which simply needs to heal from the surgery.  Since stitches are connecting the muscles that were cut in order to reach the area of operation, it is important that I let them heal and not stretch strain them prematurely.  Also, the outer part of the disk needs to heal as well, especially since it can not be sewn...  It is important that I start rehab only after this area heals in order to lower the chances of re-herniation of the disk.

This Thursday, I started coming to the aqua theater for 20 minute sessions with Steve (the head of health services department at our show).  I have to say that he is very conservative with me.  We are doing different rehab and core exercises (mostly laying down), so that I will not bend my back, and stretch the muscles and different tissues which need to heal from the surgical procedure.  When I return home in the evenings, I still go for my walks around the neighborhood.  It feels great and I think is quite beneficial.

The Dr. also gave me a DVD with a video of the whole procedure.  Essentially this video is what Dr. peoples saw while performing the surgery.  Needless to say, it is quite fascinating to watch such a procedure, and even more so knowing that I'm the subject which is being cut on screen...  I have been watching it, and although I can not really understand what's happening most of the time It is still quite informative, and helps me understand what a trauma the body needs to heal from, and perhaps help me with the patience needed in the months of rehab ahead of me.  

Bellow is a short clip from of the surgery...